
Why Labor Day is the Most Underrated Holiday


Why Labor Day is the Most Underrated Holiday

Posted by Lindsay (Edited by John) ,Dec 17th 2024
Why Labor Day is the Most Underrated Holiday

Labor Day is a holiday unlike any other, celebrated on the first Monday of September,
its purpose is to recognize and honor the achievements and contributions
of the hardworking men and women of the past and present.

Interestingly enough, Labor Day was first observed in 1882, with more than 10,000 tired workers marching in a parade in NYC, but it wasn't signed into law as a national holiday until 1894,
and by then 23 states were already independently celebrating. 

At the height of the Industrial Revolution, workers across the nation found themselves in extremely
tiresome and unethical working conditions, often working more than 80 hours per week,
without access to fresh air, lunch breaks, or a restroom.
Men, women, and children as young as five, all working for nearly nothing, trying to earn enough money to survive. 

Around that time labor unions began growing more prominent and vocal,
advocating for the rights of the working class.

 The idea of a “workingmen’s holiday” began spreading like wildfire.

Finally, after many years of strikes, protests, violence, and turbulence
Congress passed an Act and President Grover Cleveland signed the law enforcing Labor Day as a national holiday.

It took 12 years for Labor Day to become recognized by government,
and although there is speculation regarding its origin,
it is a welcomed break for workers across the nation and it is still widely celebrated today.

Memorial Day kicks off the beginning of Summer and Labor Day symbolizes its conclusion, like a pair of perfectly balanced bookends, encasing our vacation season with a sense of reverence and appreciation for those brave men and women who fought before us. 

Of course, we're doing more during this time than solely thinking about our ancestors,
the summer season is filled with many fun activities and it's usually packed full of exciting times
with friends and family.
Grilling, barbecuing, and picnicking are the optimal way to enjoy a meal during the summer, don't believe me?
Check out this fact from the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council:

That's a lot of hot dogs! It's not surprising though, considering that they are inexpensive, quick to cook, and their shape serves as the perfect grab and go food! 

Quick Poll: Do you consider a hot dog a sandwich or no? 

In celebrating Labor Day, cities across the nation will organize parades and festivals, highlight their patriotic spirit across the telephone pools, and maybe even flaunt an impressive fireworks show!
Just like Memorial Day or the 4th of July, people nationwide will choose to spend this long holiday weekend relaxing, grilling out, and enjoying time with friends and family. 

In addition to picnics, Labor Day is also known for being a big shopping holiday,
coming in second only to Black Friday as the most important holiday weekend for retail stores.

 Whether it’s due to the back-to-school supply list, preparing your wardrobe for colder weather, or getting your house prepped for indoor gatherings, shopping during Labor Day is a beloved past time, and the retail industry knows it!

The same goes for fast food workers, since everyone is out shopping, it is likely that they are eating too,
keeping the fast food restaurant workers busy as well.

Labor Day is a day to rest and refresh!

You work hard, so take advantage of the“bonus” day and spend it doing what you enjoy! 

Catch up on things around the house, watch that movie you’ve been putting off,
spend one last afternoon in the pool, or chasing deals while shopping! 

Having that break can make all the difference in the world and it offers a chance to slow down
and appreciate the men and women who came before us.
Appreciate that instead of quietly working themselves to death, they decided to stand up and
change the standards of the working class, not settling until a peace was met and laws were changed.

We are currently running our labor day sale on!

Now through September 9th we are offering an extra 10% off of a wide selection of items!

Our dutiful and thoughtful Customer Advocate Team will be standing by to guide you through it!


We hope you enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!
Thank you for reading!